Monday, April 7, 2008

Dear Big Brother Suck out

If it’s against any law to speak freely – our beloved President has canceled so many of our civil liberties I no longer am able to track them.
I must review the events of 911. They eat at my Patriotic gut.
I know the Secret Service are sworn to whisk presidents to safety and ask question later- if at all. So why did George W. Bush sit in that kindergarten class after he was supposedly alerted to the 911 attack. Why was he allowed to sit there 6+ min. As a prime target for “terrorists”? The look on his face was not that of a president concerned with our strategic defense response but one of “am I going to get away with this”? The answer George is simply no. History turns on the tides of time not the deeds of men. The truth of the murders of 911 will be known.
Contrast the cohesive response and immediate steps taken to protect President Regan when he was shot to that of President Bush’s and the S.S.’s lack of any response reaction sitting in the school for 6+ minutes of absolutely void of leadership activity – NONE. Only the scared look in his eyes I read as “Will I get away with this”?
Remember Pres. Regan, we didn’t see the S.S. quietly tell him there was some gunfire and then threw him into a car as machine guns appeared from everywhere. Contrast the events. That agent sure got a lot of info to the president about the 911 attack in a few seconds, and no response from the president. Strange behavior huh?
The SS. (Secret Service) has a sworn duty to protect the office of the President (not necessarily the person). So why didn’t they haul him out of a televised target to safety? Maybe they knew all about the attacks.
As an explosive expert I can tell you unambiguously that on 911 the twin towers and in particular and bldg 7 were already primed with explosives. Nobody even asked the tough questions. Like who was contracted on such short notice to not only plan the layout and complex computer controlled series of charge detnations, had and transported the explosives. Found a crew in the midst of the ongoing fire in building #7 to rig the explosives IN A BURNING BUILDING. Nobody will, would, or ever has done such a thing. Show me the contract and names. Why weren’t those questions even asked?
No airplane ever hit the Pentagon. The expolsion pictured in the released photo shows a textbook example of high explosive warhead detonation. Color of the blast is that oxidation (explosive burning) well above the relatively cooler jet fuel oxidation. The cone-shape of the explosion itself is a telltale fingerprint of a symmetrical high explosive detonation. Not a slash drawnout flaming planecrash.warhead. Several bystanders remember seeing a large C%A Star lifter moments before the blast at the Pentagon, Pentagram, whichever. Why was it necessary for the FBI to confiscate public photos of the impact at the Pentagon.
The Pennsylvania crash. Why did the Coroner leave after only 15 minutes at the site? His statement was, “there are no human remains here, none.” It looks like someone took a D^ Caterpillar bulldozer and cut a furrow and littered it with old plane parts.
The hole in the Pentagon could not accommodate an airplane much less not leave traces of wings, wheels, engine tuerrbine parts correct in diameter. Who asked these questtionsssss?.
ON September 11th cell phone calls above 1000 feet in altitude were not possible nor allowed on planes. Phone calls are easy to fake especially for families who wish to believe they are hearing the voice of loved ones. A scripted scenario is even possible duping passengers to partake in a moment of national security. Who asked these questions?
Whatever happened to the 10 billion + dollars stored in the bottom of the twin towers world bank vault? It was long gone before the buildings collapsed. Some trucks with bars of gold were found indicating those involved knew when it was time to vacate – exactly when. You can buy a lot of silence with that much money. Ever see so muchcrime scene material disappear so fast as the melted steel beams form the twin towers.
Why were family members of the plane flights seeking answers about their missing loved ones told to shut up or face prosecution?
Our government is out of control. We are hated the world over, our boarders are wide open, President Bush has a 6 lane super highway being built through Texas connecting Canada to Mexico. No check points into the heartland’s security there folks.
When are we going to get credit for the 50% taxes per gallon of gas you have been paying. With a 50% stake on its price our government has no interest in doing anything but make slaves out of you. Think about it. George wants to give the average family the equivalent of a gallon of gas a day to stimulate the economy. Who is he kidding, the comatos?
Its interesting to learn the Federal Reserve is made up of bankers who set the rules. These rules of course are in their best interests not yours. National gas reserves are at their highest in decades and still we are being robbed at the pump folks-robbed. It’s time to haul all of them out of their rat holes like Sadams them into the multitudes.

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